Hello my name is Michele Mailhot, Author/Owner of Pet Safety Guides....
I've conducted an extensive research study regarding domestic animals…
I’ve put endless hours and time into the compilation of this booklet, so that you, as a consumer, and pet owner can have a better understanding when it comes to the care, protection, and knowledge of domestic animals.
If your (pet/pets) experience any of these symptoms: Lethargic, chronic cough or gag-reflex experiences, excessive drooling, itchy or rashy skin, watery stools, whines insistently, heavy panting, excessive thirst and or frequent urination.
Your pet might be taking in-home poisons…..
Most animals become ill in our homes…Here’s what studies found out..
Inside and outside contaminants right at your front door....
What you don’t know could lead to possible death or permanent damage to your beloved pets…
So we certainly need to treat them as children when it comes to protecting them from harm. Cats are less likely than dogs to become poisoned on their own. Their cautious nature usually protects them. Dogs, however, will eat anything! They will readily eat garbage that contains spoiled food with toxic molds, grain based rodent poisons, and anything within their reach in the yard, especially when they are puppies.
Most dogs quickly ingest human medications that are accidentally dropped on the floor. In addition, we tend to seek quick over-the-counter solutions for our own ailments without consulting our family doctor. And this same tendency leads us to administer over-the-counter and prescription medications intended for humans to our pets, without consulting our veterinarian! Unfortunately, many human medications are metabolized quite differently in an animal's system and become toxic.
So help our cause and order your pet guides and find out how to prevent these mishaps from occurring.....
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